What if you could build eBooks in under 60 seconds?
Ever tried to create an eBook, free report, whitepaper and thought, “there MUST be an easier way to do all this?”

If you are or looking to be freelancers, independent internet marketers, small marketing agencies and small business owners who want to create lead magnets, publish Kindle books, create and sell eBooks, or publish whitepapers; THEN THIS MAY BE FOR YOU!
Sqribble is a cloud based eBook creator tool. It allows you to create professional looking eBooks in no time at all, based on templates inside the tool, with a few clicks, saving you a huge amount of time and money. Unlike other eBook creators, Sqribble immediately caught my attention because it has some really useful features I haven’t seen anywhere else. If you’re looking to create an additional income you’ll be pleased to know that also included is a commercial agency license to use Sqribble for client work, offering eBook creation services, with the ability to create unlimited eBooks which you can sell and keep all the profits!
eBooks and PDFs have been around since the beginning of the internet. We’re talking over 25 years! They have been called by various names, such as lead magnets, guides, whitepapers, and reports. However, one thing is certain, they’re not going anywhere yet! They have such a broad mass appeal because you can use them in numerous ways by all types of people in any industry. Compared to making time consuming videos, eBooks are the easiest way to build an email list or create an info product to sell for profits, in ANY niche online. From weight loss, personal development, DIY, finance, sports, business and more. You can even become an instant author by creating an eBook for Amazon Kindle! Thanks to Sqribble, you’ll now be able to generate high quality eBooks with automatic content to attract leads, clients and sales, with a push of a few buttons in minutes!
Sqribble COMMERCIAL | World's #1 EASY TO USE & POWERFUL eBook Creator FOR ONLY $67 with more purchase options inside at a great savings and value!!!
SQRIBBLE SUPPORT: https://software.zendesk.com/hc/en-us
Founder and Creator, Adeel Chowdhry, is a well-known online entrepreneur millionaire and best seller with over 10 years of experience has previously built international blockbusters such as Pixel Studio FX, which sold tens of thousands of units worldwide. I anticipate Sqribble to deliver high-quality professional solutions, as he is known for doing.
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